Rutland Plastics is proud to have achieved registration to the environmental management standard ISO14001:2015.
ISO14001 is an internationally recognised standard on environmental management. It covers all areas of an organisation and its impact on the environment; in short, the aim is to achieve cleaner production. A company should not only comply with current environmental regulations and standards but also make a commitment to continuous improvement. This can include recycling, minimising waste and conserving energy. Periodic comprehensive audits are carried out to ensure continued compliance and meeting of specified environmental goals.
As an environmentally aware injection moulder, we are committed to minimising our environmental impact by minimising waste and energy usage. This translates into savings for our customers, as well as a confidence that products are manufactured in accordance with current legislation, simultaneously minimising the effect on the environment.

We recycle much of the packaging and scrap raw materials that we use and can supply re-useable packaging where appropriate. The raw materials that we mould depend on customers’ requirement, however, we can mould re-processed / re-cycled material where suitable. Not only do we try to minimise raw material usage we also strive to reduce energy consumption through our continuous investment in energy efficient machines and processes. We have also installed 900PV panels on our roof space and have generated over 1 Gigawatts of electricity. We are dedicated to becoming more sustainable, fit for the future and focused on achieving the UK's COP 26 targets which includes net zero by 2050.