Look inside Rutland Plastics

As part of our website refresh, we decided to take some 360 degree images of our site to allow our customers, suppliers and neighbours a look inside Rutland Plastics. We certainly look different today from when the company first started out injection moulding in 1956. Expansion has continued on the same site and the factory area now exceeds 5550 square metres. We employ over 130 staff, with a turnover in excess of £14 million.

Our production facility has been on the same site since the early 1960’s but the new production bays with natural light roof structure and ventilation system has been operating since 2009.  We have over 30 moulding machines ranging from 50 tonnes up to 1700 tonnes which can produce products from 1g to 48kg in weight and up to 1.5m x 1.5m in size.

It's not often you get to see one of our Engel moulding machines from this angle and you can also see one of our robots using end of arm tooling that was made in-house on our Stratasys carbon fibre 3d printer.

The toolroom has been housed in a purpose built building since 2016.  The toolroom is equipped with the latest machinery and this, coupled with the experience and know-how of our team, provides a comprehensive suite of tooling services from design, tooling modifications through to routine maintenance and refurbishment.

The Quality Department has been in this part of the new building since 2008.  Our Quality Team (who are quite camera shy as you can see) work with an extensive range of fully calibrated equipment including a coordinate measuring machine and an optical measuring machine to ensure that quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Part of the additional services we provide is our 2775 square metre warehouse and it has been fully operational since 2016.  We have also added 250kW of solar panels to the roof of our warehouse and to date have generated over 750,000kWh of electricity.

The main office is the hub of the factory, from our buyer and planner through to our dedicated customer service team, we all work together inside Rutland Plastics to ensure that our customers receive outstanding service and support throughout the manufacturing process.

Free design guide

Rutland Plastics has produced a free Design Guide to help you with all aspects of designing for plastic injection moulding.
The Rutland Plastics Aerial photos clearly shows the size of the Rutland Plastics factory...
Rutland Plastics was featured in the October edition of ‘The Manufacturer’. Jonny Williamson, a...
We always get very excited when a new mould tool is ready for trialling....


The Rutland Plastics website and knowledge bank contains a wealth of information on plastics and moulding. It not only covers Rutland Plastics itself and the services it offers, but also the injection moulding process, other moulding methods, polymers, designing for plastics, application stories and other articles relating to plastic moulding.

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